News Links from Around the World
This Post allows you to see the latest news updates from around the world. Below you will find selected news outlets' Youtube pages. There will be two links for each. The first is called "Videos" and will link you to the videos page of each site. There you will find the latest Youtubes of that site, as well as all of the links on the site, in reverse chronological order. The second is called "Playlists" and will link you to the playlists of the site, which I have arranged in chronological order, with the most recently updated playlists listed at the top of the order. The latest updated playlists will list how long ago the playlist was updated. If there is no date, then the playlist was updated before the earliest playlist date. Note that some playlists put their newest additions at the bottom of the playlist, but most put them at the top for ease of access. Due to the fact that these are almost exclusively video stories, I am only linking to English language ...